
Wednesday, March 18, 2020 Day 3 of semi-self-isolation-social-distancing and (not) being a productive human and also having Rob home 24/7

Last night, in our efforts to not only support our favorite local, neighborhood businesses, but also preserve our stockpile of house supplies, we ordered a pizza from our besties at Buona Forchetta (um, they were also offering 30% off their wine bottles to go….WHAT? Shop local and all that people!) As I was typing out my entry for day 2, I looked over at Rob and he had this funny look on his face. I asked him what was up, to which he replied “I am JUST so excited about getting pizza tonight…” It’s the little things in life I guess.  One pizza actually turned in to FOUR pizzas, thanks to my good friend Lauren who suggested we get a couple extra to have on hand. Thank you, Lauren. Along with our pizza we grabbed 2 bottles of wine. I have decided that a “one day on, one day off” strategy of drinking sounds about right at this point in time, although, much like everything else these days that could change hour-by-hour.  As you can probably predict by now, I did not get up at a dec

Tuesday, March 17, 2020 Day 2 of semi-self-isolation-social-distancing and (not) being a productive human

Birds chirping. That’s my alarm ring tone, and it’s the most pleasant sound to wake up to. It is not, however, the most motivating sound to get you out of bed and on the road to “Productive Human of the Month”. I hit snooze a few times. Checked my email (everything is closing). Scrolled through Instagram (same same). Perused Facebook (where I saw an utterly ridiculous comment written by my dad in response to one of my posts, but that story is for another day). By the time I literally ROLLED out of bed, I was already behind “schedule” (what schedule?).  I checked on my sourdough loaf that had been proofing overnight (I forgot to mention that in my list of ALL the things I got accomplished the day before, gold star for me!), set it out for the second proof, and took the dog for a walk. Wait, no that’s not right. I made coffee, toasted a slice of bread, THEN took the dog for a walk, approximately 1 hour later. I’ll leave it up to you to decide if I got out of my pajamas before noon.

Monday, March 16, 2020 Day 1 of semi-self-isolation-social-distancing and being a productive human

As you can probably predict from the end of the previous post (wine), I did NOT get up at a decent hour on Monday morning. I don’t think I even got out of my pajamas until noon. So far, not so good.  Our friend Kiki (ok, we can her Kristen, but Kiki just sounds so exotic and makes me seem cooler than I am) texted to say she was off to the grocery store, did we need anything? Actually, yes, we did need stuff, but my list was a little too long to ask someone to shop for it. Basically, we were all stocking up on pantry items, preparing for the impending apocalyptic shut-down. I mean, we had already read about, and seen with our own eyes, the empty shelves in the stores (honestly people, you know you can wash your ass in the shower, WHY are you hoarding toilet paper???), so the time was now to make sure the pantry was full. Personally, I had been adding a little more to my grocery cart over the last week. But my idea of making sure I was ready for a quarantine are the following items:

Sunday, March 15, 2020 An ultimatum

I would like to preface the following paragraph by saying that it will get lighter, and funnier (I hope!) Yesterday, after teaching a heated yoga class, I made the hard decision to step away from teaching any yoga or fitness classes going forward. With both of my studios remaining open, but imposing weird rules and regulations “to keep people safe” like: you can’t use any props, limit equipment use, the door must remain open for airflow, or limiting class sizes; students saying things like “I need to sweat it out” or “it’s not hot enough in the studio”; people thinking that cleaning products using essential oils are adequate to truly sanitize equipment used and abused my tens of people;  and, the straw that broke the camel’s back? As I left the studio feeling uneasy about how stupid some people can be, I looked into the bar next door, one of those bars with arcade games…and lo and behold. PEOPLE. PLAYING ARCADE GAMES. LOTS OF PEOPLE. TOUCHING BUTTONS AND SURFACES AND LITTLE BASK

Hey, it's been a while...

Once upon a time, in a sunny, far off land called San Diego, a girl was unemployed. She had LOTS of time on her hands. She decided to write a blog. A blog about being unemployed, about looking for employment (well, sort of), about cooking & eating, and generally journaling about the shenanigans of daily unemployed-fun- life. That was more than a year ago. Somehow, blogging got lost in the shuffle of daily life, becoming a yoga teacher, being the best dog mom EVER, and giving up the search for a "real" job. These days, our heroine teaches yoga almost every day (now that's called EMployment), she is still cooking & eating & drinking wine (although the recycling bins aren't quite as full anymore!), she still sucks at folding fitted sheets (sorry, Martha, I just can't quite get the hang of it), dog walks are just part of the daily routine, and writing is slowly working its way back into her life. Stay tuned for amusing ramblings, witty political commen


The last 6 months of unemployment have been a bit of a journey, literally and figuratively speaking. I made a pact with myself that I would take advantage of this "free" time to figure what it is that I REALLY want to do with my life. I have always-and when I say always, I mean ever since we had to write that career paper in high school- been of the school of thought that I would probably wander from job to job, because I could never see myself being in one job for 40 years. I have stayed true to that philosophy since graduating from college almost 11 years ago. I even spent a few months as a Red Bull Girl, handing out free RB all over Philadelphia. Even though that was one of the most fun jobs I have ever had, it was certainly not going to be my career. I have had one job that I really thought would be my "forever" job, but sadly that ended when I moved to San Diego. Whoever said "you can't have it all" was correct. In order to move forward in one a

Are pigs flying?

Every day I log on to CNN to read about the latest happenings at home and around the world. Some of the news stories these days just make me think that the world is coming to an end. Hell has frozen over. Pigs are flying. Fat ladies are singing. Here is my Top 5 list of reasons why I think the world might actually be coming to an end: 1. Sarah Palin is still talking , and people are still listening. Her latest attack? Michelle Obama for trying to do something about childhood obesity in the US. Yeah, Mrs. Obama, that is such a f-cked up crusade you are on. 2. Snooki is a New York Times Best Selling Author (she's right there at #24). I don't think I really need to say anymore about that do I? 3. There is a hotel in Madrid made of garbage. Needless to say, you don't have to pay to spend the night there. On a positive note, this is supposed to raise awareness about the pollution of the world's oceans. 4. Scientists have warned of a "superstorm" that could